Friday, February 3, 2012

(OLD) About Listening

First off, I hate when people say they know someone better than I do, when it really isn't true at all. Also, I dont care if you've known him longer than me, because I sure as heck know that I love him a lot more than you do. And don't think that knowing someone longer is really a reason to know more about them, because I'm pretty sure I know a LOT more about him than you do.

I also really hate how no one ever listens to me.

I hate when people make light of what has happened to me in the past. IDK if you guys realized this, but he SCARES me, a lot. And I don't think that what he has done to me is to be taken lightly. I may say that "I don't care," but I really do. You people don't even realize how it makes me feel when you mention him, or even when he's like 50 feet away from me. You don't even notice how my expression changes, how I start to breathe faster, how uncomfortable I become. It's ridiculous... Why do I even call you my friends? (For the few out there who really know me and understand, thank you. This whole thing isn't for you. You know who you are.) I hate him SO much, and no one seems to even care, except for my few actual friends. I hate it when people call me silly, and blame me for everything that HE did. Yeah, okay, he seems like a nice guy. Sure, but you don't know the real him. Not at all. The real him is mean, controlling, and above all - abusive. That's how people like him are; they hide what they really are. They act nice, and wait until you trust them, and then guess what? You get done to you what's happened to me. I REALLY could care less if he is your "friend" because he sure as hell is NOT a nice person. He is genuinely, a BAD person at heart. And if you try to argue with me and say he's a great guy, that I have NO idea what I'M talking about, then screw it, you're obviously not my friend, because you don't understand, and you never will. And guess what, I bet some of you reading this right now think I'm trying to get revenge; trying to get back at him or trying to make him look bad. Well the truth? I'M NOT. He just did some pretty awful things to me and I'm not afraid to let people know what happened. Again, this is just another goddamn thing that you people won't listen to me about. I don't know why I don't just shut my mouth, because no one ever listens. Why should I bother? You tell me.

Thanks a lot, "friends."